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Since pioneering the use of myoelectric systems, Ottobock has led the way in upper limb advancements.
Our upper limb prosthetics span multiple technologies and applications to fit your patient's priorities and functional needs: myoelectric to body power, cosmetic silicone to hybrid.
Browse our products using the categories to the left or explore the items below to begin putting together a solution. You can also find our order forms online for custom orders and fabrication.
With quick disconnect wrist
Please be advised that due to continued production constraints there may be significant delays (8-10 weeks) for the delivery of 8E33=7-1.
With lamination ring for wrist disarticulation
Please be advised that due to continued production constraints there may be significant delays (8-10 weeks) for the delivery of 8E34=7-1.
With quick disconnect wrist
Please be advised that due to continued production constraints there may be significant delays (8-10 weeks) for the delivery of 8E33=9-1.
With lamination ring for wrist disarticulation.
Please be advised that due to continued production constraints there may be significant delays (8-10 weeks) for the delivery of 8E34=9-1.